• If you've ever wanted to see a Gene Autry movie that is 100% politically incorrect, then you really need to see "Carolina Moon"! It's much of the usual for an Autry film but it's set in the Carolinas...and features Smiley in black-face and other non-PC things that will likely give many folks today a heart attack!

    When the story begins, an old jerk makes some bets but hasn't any money. Gene kindly helps him out by buying the old man's horse...but soon the old guy and the horse disappear! So, Gene and Smiley follow them back to their plantation in the Carolinas. Soon, Gene has somehow forgotten he was cheated and just takes the horse back and is about to leave....when he's tricked into staying. Soon you learn that not only the old man is about to lose his plantation but also some other spoiled old man who seems like giant stereotypes of Yosemite Sam. Additionally, you see lots of black people who LOVE their bosses and seem deliriously happy...and sing spirituals with lyrics IMDB won't let me repeat here (suffice to say, the songs are very pro-old south). Later, you learn a young guy is trying to cheat these old men out of their plantations...but, frankly, the old men were pretty awful themselves and I didn't care about their predicament. Oddly, Gene did and helps...even though I could see no reason why. Oh, and did I mention his helping also required Frog (Smiley Burnett) to dress up as a black lady?! Uggh!!

    If you ignore all the probably unintentionally racist (but clearly racist) content, what you're left with is just an okay film at best. Gene doesn't sing any of his better songs, the love interest AGAIN hates Gene for no reason for part of the film and the folks Gene helps just seem like crappy (and highly stereotypical) people. Overall, you could do a LOT better watching most any other Autry film.