• Historical drama. The film adaptation of the novel of the same name by the Soviet writer Julian Semenov, which, in turn, is based on the famous Soviet intelligence operation, as a result of which the ancient city of Krakow in the General Government was saved from destruction. I have not read the original book source, so I rate the picture as an independent work, especially since Julian Semenov himself was responsible for the script. And with this picture I open the marathon of Soviet film intelligence officers of the Great Patriotic War. I have long wanted to see this picture, but there was no time. Now it has appeared, and I did not delay the viewing. I was expecting another masterpiece - and so it turned out. And here's my brief opinion for you - How Soviet intelligence officers saved Krakow. I will note right away that there was not a single minus in the picture, but there was one moment that refers to such a concept as "carping", and which I will definitely tell you about. Therefore, I finish such an important and necessary introduction and get to the point.

    So, the absolute advantages: 1. Scenario - the picture basically repeats the events of the legendary Soviet intelligence operation in 1944-1945, when a group was landed in the vicinity of Krakow, which was ordered to place the execution of Hitler's order - to destroy the city of Krakow from the face of the earth. Everything is not going according to plan from the very beginning, and the scouts are forced to act according to circumstances, because the best employees of the Abwehr (German military intelligence) and the SD are sent to capture them, because they are subordinate to the rear army units. Plus, there is a provocateur in the city, turned over by the Germans. The scouts will have to get in touch with the local underground, deal with the provocateur and fulfill the main task - to save Krakow from destruction, especially in the conditions of a breakthrough of the front by Red Army units. Here you will find a hard-hitting detective, and monotonous intelligence work, and a love line is present, and even philosophical dialogues. Add here bright well-written characters that are remembered, and we will get an answer to the question why Soviet (and not only) viewers liked and like this picture. I watched without stopping, because the Germans are also shown to be smart, cunning and insidious opponents, whom we simply have to beat, because the price of losing is too high.

    2. Atmosphere - the magnificent music of Andrei Eshpai, documentary footage from the war and views of the most ancient Krakow allow the viewer to plunge into the atmosphere of that disturbing time. Krakow is a German citadel on the way to the Reich itself, so it is packed with troops and equipment, the Gestapo, SD and Abwehr keep the best forces here so that Soviet intelligence could not find out anything about this area and about Germany's covert operations. The bestial cruelty of the Germans, who consider local Poles and residents of the USSR "subhumans", is perfectly demonstrated.

    3. The war of intelligence - what we managed to convey superbly is the game of intelligence, with recruitment, recruitment, disinformation game. The recruitment of Colonel Abwehr Berg is especially indicative in this regard, because the viewer does not fully understand whether this is either a conscious game of the colonel against the USSR or a sincere help to the winning side due to the failure of the conspiracy on July 20, 1944. And the line with the German journalist is good, because it shows that not all Germans were inveterate brainwashed fascists (some obvious things came to some, although relatively late).

    A little about the main characters: 1. Major "Whirlwind" performed by Vadim Beroev is a major of Soviet intelligence (whose prototypes were Evgeny Stepanovich Bereznyak, Alexey Nikolaevich Botyan and Ovid Alexandrovich Gorchakov), a resident who leads a group abandoned in Krakow. A brave, resourceful and determined commander who, even in the most difficult situation (got into the Gestapo - consider that he died) I was able to get out and continue the task. Vadim Borisovich was great in this role. Bravo!

    2. Nikolai, performed by Viktor Pavlov, is a Soviet intelligence officer, an assistant to the "Whirlwind", without whom the group would not have joined. An honest and loyal officer, smart and resourceful, who will cover a comrade in a difficult moment. Viktor Pavlovich was great. Bravo!

    3. Colonel Berg, played by Vladislav Strzhelchik, is an Abwehr colonel who managed to lure away one of the Soviet intelligence officers shortly before the appearance of the "Whirlwind". He is well-read, intelligent, capable of forcing the arrested person to speak with reasonable arguments and arguments. The fracture of this impeccable employee occurred after July 20, although even after that there are doubts about his sincere assistance to Soviet intelligence. Vladislav Ignatievich was incomparable here too. Bravo!

    I also want to cancel Anastasia Valentinovna Voznesenskaya in the role of Anya, the radio operator of the "Whirlwind" group, who also coped with the role perfectly. Good girl!

    Now about the moment that I didn't like, namely the finale - it's too tragic. I am categorically against such a moment. Why couldn't Anya and the Whirlwind be kept alive? After all, the prototypes of this scout survived, so why are they not worthy of it in the picture? I condemn such a pessimistic ending.

    My rating is 10 out of 10 and my recommendation for viewing!