
  • My review was written in January 1987 after watching the film on Prism video cassette.

    "Snowballing" is an innocuous teen comedy, sort of a sanitized version of "Hot Dog... The Movie". Picture was lensed in Park City, Utah, four years ago with various alternate titles such as "Winter Vacation", "Snow Job" and "Smooth Moves", but never received a theatrical release from Comorld Pictures, debuting now on video cassette instead.

    Formula plot has kids from Monroe High School arriving for an annual skiing competition, but cheated on thief vacation fees by the corrupt organizer of the event, Tolson (Bob Hastings), who's in cahoots with the local sheriff (Bill Zuckert).

    A trio of teens (P. R. Paul), Michael Sharrett and Steven Tash) are trying to get some action going with the local girls as well as their female classmates, leading to the usual gags. Skiing stunts are okay, while the film's humorous content is weak. Best gag has the kids' nerdish chaperone/science teacher Roy Balaban (Alan Sues camping it up) buying an Indiana Jones hat as a fashion statement, and then chased all around the resort by a giant snowball.

    Despite feeble attempts at vulgarity, this is intended as wholesome entertainment, made by filmmakers from the Sunn Classics school. Video cassette packaging tries to make it seem more risque than it is, with the misleading labeling of "No rating" on the box, while the proper PG rating is indicated onlyon the cassette inside.