• Makoto Shinkai's back with his latest flick, Suzume. It's a sublime storytelling of the mystical and perilous adventure of Suzume. Along the way she meets up with a mysterious man named Souta with whom she must travel around Japan to close doors that are releasing disasters. There is a cute cat called Daijin, whose motivations are pretty mysterious. The story structure at times might end up feeling a bit familiar as Shinkai's previous films like Your Name and Weathering With You. It tells a story about love, loss, grief and acceptance with a lot of emotions. The humour is incorporated pretty well into the story which legit makes you laugh out loud.

    The visuals and the animation are fabulous. Every location they visit just pops out of the screen and the attention to detail is mesmerizing to watch. Plus the food is so gorgeously rendered. The music by RADWIMPS and Kazuma Jinnouchi is another strong element of the film. And as always Makoto Shinkai's direction is phenomenal.

    Even if it's not on the same level as Your Name, Suzume is an excellent addition to Shinkai's library of great anime classics.