• Mortimer Thompson (Edward Everett Horton) and Steve Craig (Robert Armstrong) are con-men working the streets and selling fake watches. They are broke and hope to make a play on old acquaintance Gibbs. They mistakenly assume that he's rich. Gibbs and his daughter Gloria (Sybil Jason) are on the run from the gangster Kell Norton. After Kell kills Gibbs, the two cons take on Gloria as their charge. Jean (Glenda Farrell) is the hat check girl.

    Warner Bros. Tries to make Sybil Jason as the new Shirley Temple. She can't do anything other than be a shadow of the superstar. In the end, she would play supporting roles to Shirley and that would be the end of her career. I have nothing against the child actress. She does all the things. She's cute. She sings and dances. She either has an accent or a lisp. She would be perfectly fine if not pushed by the studio as a Shirley rival.