• After the Wizard is one of those movies that you know no one is looking for. I happened to stumble upon it and seeing its 29% audience approval decided to watch, hoping to have found a "so bad it's good" flic. Disappointingly, the movie is poor in its story telling, but not entertaining in its shortcomings. We follow the Tin-man and the Scarecrow who decide they need to leave OZ after the people of OZ have rejected them as leaders. The sets (at one point OZ is set as a hollow cement plant) and character designs (The tin-man is festooned in a gray button down with silver face paint) convince the viewer of the films limited budget. The plot is not redeeming. Most of it is vague exposition, focusing on the duo's journey to Kansas where they clumsily bump into extras as they travel first via, air ballon, train, then bus. The movie is hardly entertaining, even with awkward transitions and odd continuity errors. I fell asleep watching and I'm sure your child will too. The movies summation is an insult to its audience with not even the finest resolution or cause for the scarecrow and tin man's travel. They end up with nothing in the end and so will you.