• Edward James Olmos stars as Gregorio Cortez as he flees from the Texas Rangers following his shooting and killing several law enforcement officers. There's a long chase, beginning with Olmos a dreamlike figure on horseback drifting over the landscape, while Texas Rangers pursue him, and reporter Bruce McGill is constantly disabused of the details of the stories he has sent out. When he surrenders, he is is transported in a cage on the railroad, crowds gathering to watch his progress. His lawyer speaks eloquently. Throughout the etntre movie, Olmos says not one word. He watches everything, passively, fearfully, uncomprehendingly.

    Clearly we are meant to wonder what he thinks, and what actually happened. What is the truth behind the song that, according to the closing titles, is still sung along the border? Clearly, to director Robert M. Young, it doesn't matter what actually happened. What's important to him is the way the Anglos react, to the Rangers doing their jobs as the legislature debates closing them down, the thoughts behind the people watching Olmos' progress towards justice, and the mob that comes to take the convicted Olmos from jail and hang him.