
  • The Fast & Furious franchise is one that I have been following since the first film back in 2001. I always give this franchise the benefit of the doubt. I have at least liked all of the movies, even loved a couple of them, that was until F9 in 2021. It has now become a thing to expect that these films will try and outdo the previous installment in terms of insanity, but F9 truly felt like they took everything all the fans had been joking about and just did it all. It went beyond ridiculous to even enjoy. Thankfully, now that Fast X has hit theatres and I had the chance to check it out, it has put the franchise back on track for me, even if it is still almost too ridiculous (stupid might actually be a better word, but in a good way).

    Directly connected to the events of Fast Five, Fast X picks up ten years later, as the emergence of Dante (Jason Momoa) begins. He is the son of the man they robbed and killed in Fast Five, so obviously he wants revenge. It's actually pretty seamless how they tie it all into that film, reusing old footage and adding new. My only issue with this storyline is that it took ten years for Dante to actually seek the revenge he wanted. Sure, let's just roll with it because if you don't, you'll probably hate the rest of this film too. People have come to expect the ridiculous here, as I said, so as long as that's what you go into this film looking for, you may just be as satisfied as I was.

    The bombastic action sequences are once again dialled up to a million, but it was nice to see an actual race sequence, even though it felt a little short. The main reason to see this film though, if you're a fan or not, is Jason Momoa. His performance here may just be my favourite of everything I've seen him in. The flamboyance he exudes had me laughing and fearing for the crew all at the same time. I enjoyed the entire cast as always, but Momoa just stood out over everyone else here.

    I should also mention that you shouldn't be expecting a completed story. Fast X is clearly the start of a bigger storyline to come, as the film ends fairly abruptly with no resolution at all. Almost in an Avengers: Infinity War style, I really want to see what comes next. There are quite a few promises in this film that excite me, so I'll remain optimistic for an awesome conclusion. Let's be real though, Fast X is very, very stupid.

    This film doesn't hold back in throwing the impossible at you. From Dom flipping over a car with one arm to driving down a dam Hot Wheels-style, it's absolutely bonkers. Again though, it felt like a breath of fresh air compared to the lunacy that happened in F9. Nobody stays dead in this franchise either. There are some big surprises throughout the film, but I'm still not sure how I feel about one of them in particular. It borders on ruining storylines from the past, so there better be a nice explanation in the subsequent movie. Look, I had a great time watching this stupid film with characters I've grown to love, so sue me for reviewing it positively. It has fully embraced everything anyone has ever said about this franchise, so at this point, you should know what you're getting yourself into. If you like these films and are up to date, I say check it out. I had a blast.