• An Asian American high schooler with first gen immigrant parents. An awkward neutered Chinese father. His dinner with family involves typical Chinese food with chopsticks. And the guy from China is of course much better at math.

    The show is riding on the diversity trend, but relies on typical East Asian American tropes. Don't get me wrong though, there isn't anything "offensive" about the show, but it certainly doesn't break the mold.

    The plot draws elements from Journey to the West, but takes extreme artistic license because of its utter lack of similarity to the original source material. There is little doubt in my mind that the show's Americanised interpretation of Sun Wukong is going to cause annoyance to fans of Journey to the West.

    Despite the dull stereotypes, the show is still an easy watch. The action scenes aren't too bad, and you don't need to pay attention a hundred percent to follow each episode. The story is ultimately silly, but it's light-heartedly entertaining enough to put on if you have nothing else to watch.