
  • There were some undoubtedly good moments as this series set up, unfortunately, the further the series went the less promise it showed.

    This is tricky, I really wanted to like Citadel, and I did like the first episode.

    It's a little tempting to think that this is what happens when you throw too much money at something and don't make it work hard enough to earn that money and develop.

    True there was some classic spy action - but with only a few exceptions this wasn't really groundbreaking stuff. Also true that an element of predictability crept into the show the further it went.

    What we ended up with is a show that absolutely looks the part, but that when all is said and done is less the sum of its parts, whereas at a rumored $300 million it should clearly have been more - much more.

    Citadel is another sad example of a show that chose form over function - looking good, rather than really getting the razor to the story and whittling and revising until something fresh and entertaining remains - new twists on old tails.

    Let's hope they learn the lesson for season 2.