• Warning: Spoilers
    Sarah Silverman, as she mentions in this, her.4th standup special, has been at this for decades. Many comic's acts get milder and more mellow with age. It is kinda to be expected. We saw it with Carlin, although only very slightly, and we have seen it with Chappelle, who has postured himself more a philosopher these days than a gut busting, guffaw inducing funny comedian. I was a little worried that Sarah might have longer stories, or more songs, and that she might have decided to phone this one in... Not on your life, Buster! This is some well honed stand up right here. The actual interruptions and interactions with the audience played well and she handled them with professional aplomb, but the written material was punchy and direct and filled with laugh inducing set ups and closers. Her delivery was maybe more mature in timbre, but natural and with her usual telekinetic wink at the irony . Silverman has never been known for keeping her opinions to herself, and like most successful stand up comics, and most comedy in general, surprise! She leans left. I love her work, maybe because I am a Gen Xer too, and our generation can watch a film, or stand up act without bringing our political baggage with us for the viewing. Bottom line is, This is Sarah Silverman's best stand up special so far.

    With the possible exception to a bit about Pu$$ies and balls, which premise I already heard Betty White expound upon, this special hat a lot of meat on the bone and precious little fat. No matter your side of the aisle, you should be able to laugh at Sarah's observations in this tight and funny 52 minute set.