• Warning: Spoilers
    The trailer did a good job of painting this as a fun, funny, good time at theater, but it didn't not divulge just how funny this is. At it's most basic, this is another road trip comedy, ala The Hangover or Bridesmaids, and as just a road trip comedy, it's hilarious. With the added cultural aspects and some deeper character development, this is a thoughtful examination of identity, cultural connection, personal history and growth. It's also fairly raunchy and let's it's ladies cut loose, providing a genuinely great mix of heartfelt moments and raw comedy.

    Each of the leads occupies fairly typical character archetypes for this brand of comedy: Ashley Park plays the straight, professional Audrey who is off to China for a business trip, Sherry Cola plays best friend Lolo, the laid back, no shame, free spirited artist not afraid to show her nasty side. They are joined by Stephanie Tsu's celebrity actress Kat and the true breakout of the film, Sabrina Wu's Deadeye, the weird, socially awkward, but endearing and sympathetic cousin to Lolo, who manages to bring some of the biggest heart and laughs to the film. Every single cast member is fantastic and manages to bring their own emotional weight to the movie that makes you genuinely feel for them, while also providing laugh out loud moments. Of particular highlight is a scene involving a train and a drug mule, a meet up with a basketball team, and and attempt to board a private plane by posing as a Kpop group.

    The laughs come frequent and hit hard. I expect the film to be a big hit in the same way Crazy, Rich Asians was, but as an occupier in the same kind of spots that made the aforementioned Hangover and Bridesmaids so big. You'll want to see more of these ladies in future films and this movie deserves to do incredibly well. This absolutely deserves to be a big hit and once word starts to spread, I expect it to do well. I would be surprised if there's a funnier film this year.