
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The first time that I saw this film, I really enjoyed it and was wary when I heard it was being remade.

    As many reviewers here have stated, it's the story of a relationship in crisis, when a man fails in his role as protector, when faced with the perceived threat of an avalanche. The first time I saw it, although I was ashamed for Tomas and his cowardice, I believed the narrative his friend put forward, that this could happen to any man, when in a primal state.

    However, having been in a relationship with a narcissist for two years, I have seen another layer to this highly nuanced film and its complex characters. I missed it with my partner and I missed it with Tomas the first time around, but now I know what the signs are, it's obvious he's a narcissist. And what a portrayal! Unable to admit his shortcomings, denial of a truth in which he's not the hero, gaslighting, manipulation, fake tears, thin skin and fragile ego, admission of previous adultery and most laughably faking the rescue of his wife, Ebba, for the sake of his reputation in front of the children. He overcomes his narcissistic mortification and brief depression with this rescue and I got the impression that Ebba sees him for what he is. She knows him viscerally, is disgusted by him, but loves her children.

    I prefer this ending to the remake's. In the evacuation from the bus, his wife takes control. While she's out of the picture, his friend then has to step up. It's subtle. Tomas hasn't changed. He won't ever change. His child asks him if he smokes (after he gets a cigarette from a stranger) and he says he does. This man is all for himself still. He seemingly loves his kids, but he won't let them get in the way of his pleasure.

    Having recently split from my partner, this film was a great watch. People have complained about the slow pace of the film, but I really enjoyed the rhythm Östlund creates. The space allows the viewer time to consider what Tomas has said or done. We get to form a more considered opinion, as the more passive frames interweave.

    There are some delicious scenes that play into Tomas's fragile ego, that are hilarious and cathartic for someone in my position, for example; seeing him pick the chicken sticker off the door, run from the drunken lads and (my favourite) have his sense of self deflate, when the lady at the bar says she was mistaken and that her friend doesn't really find him attractive. These were priceless!

    What a watch! Double it up with Sick Of Myself, for a Scandinavian narcissistic double bill!