• 2029, a Dystopian future where machines run the world (I can't help wondering if this film got it spot on,) a powerful cyborg killing machine is sent back to 1980 on a mission to kill Sarah Connor.

    It's a classic movie, an exciting, action packed sci fi thriller which holds up incredibly well. Arnie is absolutely perfect as The Cyborg, for my money it's still his best role, although it's arguable that he hits his peak in the second.

    For the time, the special effects are great, the action is explosive and non stop, but the story is there, there are various plot threads and twists, but at no point is it hard to follow.

    A true classic, I personally prefer T2, but this is where it all started, and it's definitely better than anything that came after the incredible follow up.

    James Cameron's direction is flawless, this film really did set the tone for many future action sci fi thrillers. The pacing, energy and general tension are quite something, this film could teach many modern films several lessons.

    I had Arnie posters plastered everywhere as a kid, he was just so cool, his actions, body language and sheer presence here are iconic. Linda Hamilton is equally good, perfect for the part.

    I'd you haven't seen this, I urge you to watch it asap, then quickly get the follow up on.
