
  • ... as many romantic-dramas there are every year... few are this good any one year... it really comes unexpectedly, unfolding in a manner very true to the genre, yet in a way seeming fresh and unique... also reminding of another romance-drama from 2015 of an Asian girl and a western guy titled 'Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong' (both Andrea Bung and Jamie Chung being born to Korean immigrant parents)... search and watch, it is another very good romdram

    ... there's an exceptionally good review of STN from Sarah Manvel at Critic's Notebook hitting all major points of the movie... a good honest well-written-review, centering on the film-story not that of the reviewer's writing as many times happens.. "Their conversation in the bar, where Grace explains herself and Carter listens closely instead of making it all about him, is a charming masterclass in character development and interpersonal chemistry. Turns out Carter and Grace are equally intelligent and curious about the world, which is completely unexpected to both of them. That means the script's maneuvers to keep them out of bed but still together don't feel forced."

    ... as said in the beginning there are many romance films, most all just watched once and never again... this is not the case with this wonderful-little Canadian film.. it will go in-the-library for future viewings.