
  • Virginia mayo, zach scott, dorothy malone. At the open, there's a dead body on the floor, and now we're in flashback to see how we got to this point. Doug kennedy is hap richie, leader of the hoods. Colby and roper (zach scott and elisha cook) are his crew. When colby threatens to go to the cops with what he knows, flaxy and hap try to stop him from talking. After tricking him into confessing to another murder. Some twists and turns in this one, so pay attention. This one goes all around the mulberry bush, as grandma used to say. It's a pretty good noir. Gangs, killers, lying witnesses, escapes. Bus rides. Even a train ride. Some similarities to the big sleep, which had come out a few years before. And they both had malone, the innocent bystander, helping someone in need. Good stuff. Directed by richard bare. He was married six times! Story by david lang. Kennedy died pretty young at 57. Scott died even younger at 51.