• Warning: Spoilers
    A double murder is a pretty brutal way to kick-off your episode, but things start to get a bit silly when Friday and Gannon begin their investigation.

    The trail leads them to a poetry-spewing wannabe philosopher who lives with his zealotous Aunt. On the surface that seems like a good set-up, but it's undermined by a couple of very shaky performances; particularly by Virginia Gregg as the Aunt. Ms. Gregg has 228 credits on her resume, so I'm willing to chalk up her over the top performance to the direction and the material. Not faring much better is Kevin Coughlin, whose performance would feel more at home on "The Brady Bunch" than "Dragnet". Actually, most of the cast outside of Webb and Morgan don't acquit themselves very well here.

    I believe some of this could have been offset had we known that Coughlin's character had another target and that he was poised to strike again, but it's played more as an "he might", and it robs the episode of the kind of tension that it needed to really hum.