• Warning: Spoilers
    You have to accept a LOT of silly things in these two episodes, and oddly enough alien abductions don't even make the list! A security orderly at an insane asylum carrying a gun anyone can just swipe off him, a rather breezily executed hostage negotiation with a rather farfetched sniper not being able to shoot until the end of the episode, a dangerous killer being left unsecured in a hospital save for a lone guard who is stationed so as to not look TOWARD the prisoner, Scully conveniently being knocked over and pretty much unconscious from simply being near glass breaking... well it goes on and on.

    It does make it kind of hard to believe that Mulder's fellow agents in the FBI don't believe in conspiracy theories when weird things happen to and around them literally all the time.

    Still it's a thrilling story, delivering on what the X-Files does best: make you worry just what will happen next. The huge gaps in logic don't get in the way of the suspense, even as one is left wondering why Mulder didn't ask about the dead lift operator, or why the FBI heads believe a guy got choked, then waited thirty minutes, then choked to death from being choked thirty minutes earlier. Or why Dana doesn't have any administrative body she can turn over evidence to who will act like an actual governmental investigative body does in real life. She secures an actual alien tracking device and her only recourse is to keep it in her pocket. ????

    Anyway, we wait for the actress to quit being pregnant and return to the show full time, while Mulder can only wonder as to her fate...