• Colone Wilberforce Buckshot is off to hunt in South Africa, he chooses to rent out his palatial home, Stan and Ollie accidentally end up posing as The staff, showing the potential renters around.

    In just a few years time, this film will celebrate its centenary, and I'm sure when that event comes around that it'll be as loved then as it has been since it first appeared.

    It is seriously funny, it's a riot from start to finish, laugh out loud moments from start to finish, Agnes The Maid, no words for how funny those scenes are.

    Lord Leopold's laugh was hilarious, such a great character.

    What has always struck me about this one, aside from the riotous laughs, is just how good both Stan and Ollie were, so much more than just funny men, terrific actors, so much better than most of their contemporaries at the time.

    Madcap good fun.
