• Solid Rock Trust is a solid indie film! It's a one location movie, which oftentimes gets tiresome by the second act, but SRT defines all odds. Director Rick Ives does a great job of ramping up the stakes and the suspense. The telephone conversations could have sounded fake and staged, but instead you are continually drawn further into the story.

    The lead actress, Koko Marshall, carried the whole film, which is no small feat. If she wasn't as talented as she is, the film simply wouldn't have worked. My one small gripe of the film though is the cinematography; it was too noticeable. At times, especially in the first ten minutes, all I could think about was the camera movement. It was taking me out of the story. Having said that, there were times when the camera work seemed motivated and heightened the emotion of the scene.

    All-in-all, I highly recommend this film. Director Rick Ives did a great job and I look forward to his next project!