• Should be called the Nan of OZ. When Kate gets angry, she turns into Nan. I just prey she don't talk to the Daleks with the Nan voice.

    So who's story is this?

    Harry? Her upbringing she felt like a "Spare" Diana and the security guard, (if we get season 2) Or Margaret forced to marry someone she did not want to, oh wait what about the King who married Diana but wanted to marry "Horsey Face" as she was called in the UK for many a year I go with the King as "Horsey Face" was actually said on the last episode. Will this come back, I have my doubts, it's not a comedy I laughed once in episode 3 i think I wanted to turn it off after episode 1 I am a fan of Kate but not to much of Nan. But as I carried on watching it has many layers to it Did Catherine get involved in the script writing? If not I would like to hear what the writer actually thinks of the Royals.

    It would def have not worked if it was based in Canada. I have been to OZ and in the outback they do speak like that :-)