• Joe Kotcher is a retired man who has a lot of time on his hands. This, and his love of talking, are driving his daughter-in-law crazy and she wants him to move out and into a nursing home...which is pretty sad as Joe is in good health and he loves caring for his young grandson. In other words, he's become, sadly, obsolete. After he's placed in a nursing home, he decides to leave and does. Much of the film is about his adventures as he travels to Seattle. Why Seattle? See the film. And what about his pregnant young friend?

    This is a meandering little film about feeling needed...an important topic rarely dealt with in movies. While it's not for everyone, as Kotch is VERY talkative....but it's also a nice, sweet film that I enjoyed. Amazingly, despite being a good movie, director Jack Lemmon disliked directing so much he never tried it again...despite doing a good job. Oh, and despite Lemmon and Matthau, it's really NOT a comedy.