• Season 3 episode 1Guess who's coming too dinner? My opinion Ms Pat was totally wrong for aborting their baby without talking with her husband b4 making that crucial decision. She couldn't have gotten pregnant without her husband. Besides they're married. Then she just let her sister take his luggage and the kids take his car, pop etc etc, without talking with her husband beforehand. She has no regards for her marriage and the partnership marriage represents. Shes(Ms. Pat) is too aggressive no respect for herself & family. Then she stated this my and I quote my pushy. That was totally uncalled for. I'm a black woman as well that faced/es struggles. But her language and disrespect too her husband is uncalled for. This show is portraying black women/ ppl in a negative way. We already have enough of this in everyday life. I understand she's portraying her life in real time but it's a place and time for everything. But on tv is not it. They don't allow certain too be said on tv without censorship. This show ever how it is allowed has no censorship once so ever. She's too aggressive as a black woman and or a woman period. This is part of the reason it makes it hard for a woman too get a man. I'm going too stop watching this show based on my comment on her aggressiveness and no regards too her husband feelings. She's married on this show but yet acts as if she's single. She(Ms Pat) should keep this language in her stand up comedy. At least ppl know what too expect. That's where it belongs and not on tv. Just my personal opinion.