• Like many who wanted to watch this movie, I was interested in it (reminded about it) because Ann-Margret was in it.

    I also am a fan of Kim Darby.

    This movie has, as one has noted, an actor who it seems was hired because he could impersonate or channel James Dean; it's really quite spot-on, though more from the actor's left profile than his right.

    Never mind how great an actress Kim Darby was, or what a sex bomb Ann-Margret was - there's really nothing to see here.

    Just a very boring, lifeless soap of a movie, about a guy with the name "Bus" - this is never addressed, but why bother - who basically has all women nuts for him...including his ex-girlfriend, now married...this is such an incredibly boring movie...it's an absolute waste of time...no wonder the writer of the original story has his name changed for the movie because he was so upset how it came out....this is boring as hell.... I am sorry I wasted my time on it.... I could not recommend this to anybody. It's pointless. I cannot see how anybody could feel enriched by watching this; it simply kills time. Forget about it; I'm going to try to, now.

    I have to say I laughed at times just from being startled by simply seeing James Dean up there! He'll look like James Dean for a moment, then turn his head, and he's somebody else.

    That's sadly the only interesting thing in this.