• Tabu played a stellar performance as Ashima. Irfan as Ashoke was brilliant in this movie, especially capturing the essence of a middle aged Bengali man. Their chemistry was like a poetry.

    The best Heart to Heart conversation in the movie: Ashoke: All those years ago, why did you... say yes to me?

    Ashima: You were the best of the lot.

    Ashoke: Huh?

    Ashima: Better than the widower with four children and the cartoonist with one arm. I also liked your shoes.

    Ashoke: Oh. Oh, okay, okay.

    Ashima: you want me to say, "I love you," like the Americans?

    Ashoke: Eh. (surprise)

    Ashoke: Huh. (blush)

    Ashima: Huh. (tease)

    Ashoke: Bright Smile and laughs.

    The movie also showcases first generation immigrant parents struggles on foreign land, their family connections, cultural differences, especially between Americanized children's Western thinking and those of their parents who are more conservative and traditional.

    I liked the scene where Gogol denies to sit on rickshaw in Kolkata by saying "No, being pulled by another human being is feudal and exploitative."

    I also liked the scene where Gogol finds his passion during his unexpected family trip to India. When he visited Taj Mahal and the surrounding monuments he decided to major in Architecture. I guess travelling to new places in general helps us to attain new perspectives and find new interests.

    The visit to Taj Mahal also ignited a cute romantic conversation between Ashima and Ashoke in their own way: Ashima: I've always wanted to come here with you.

    Ashoke: Smiles

    Ashima: Just imagine how much Shah Jahan must loved Mumtaz to make this for her.

    Ashoke: Other husbands also love their wives, Ashima. (Holds Ashima's hand). Only we cannot afford to build Taj Mahal.

    Ashima: Smiles.

    I wish all arranged marriages happening in India to turn out to be this beautiful.

    I felt like the film went downhill after Ashoke dies.