• I use to love this show when younger. Watched it every day. Avid fan. Been a few years since I had last seen an episode. Tried it recently, couldn't stand it. Why? The host. Not really. Drew Carry is okay. Shave off that stupid beard, and I just might like him as much as Bob Barker. So what is it? I compared 2 episodes, one from the 80's and a current one. Here is one. The set itself. It was classy back then. Looked like 1st class. The current set looks cheesy. Here is a metaphor. It looked like it went from fine dining to a fast food restaurant. Number 2. The prizes they give out, especially the ones they bid on are stupid. Many of those are those As seen on TV. Hardly ever see rings, light fixtures or necessary home devices to bid on. The announcer rushes though the descriptions of the products so you barley know what they are. They have done away with many classic games, for example credit card. It is so much more rushed too, (for commercials of course), that Drew doesn't have much interaction with the contestants as in the past. It has changed so much since I was younger, (and I am not talking about the host,) that its just not the same anymore.

    Such a shame.