• In San Francisco, 27 year old Amy Brower (Trish Van Devere) is puzzled when her husband walks out on her. He wants a divorce after four years of marriage. Apparently, he went to Mexico with a 19 year old girl and he's cutting her off financially. She's still trying to save her marriage while adjusting to her new life.

    It's definitely another time. It may be a different time but there are echoes to today. It's post 60's. It's women's lib. It's single gal adventures and tribulations. It's divorce American style. This reminds me of a couple of famous divorce/single woman/feminist movies later in the decade. This story meanders around and threatens to derail a couple of times. Amy frustrates me a little by trying to keep her marriage for too long. At a certain point, she needs to face reality. She should change her outlook after the big cry and Howard. By the time of the climatic meeting, it's a little anti-climatic. The final ending leaves me with mixed feelings.