• It's been said the film industry seems to be running out of original ideas. I now also believe they are running out of ideas for original animated films AND characters. I've seen several animated movies the past two years that felt a bit stale. Although still a beautiful film with incredible animation, 'Mavka: The Forest Song' unfortunately is one of those that did not have that 'fresh' feeling to it.

    Many years ago a sawmill owner from a village went into the Dark Forest looking for a cure for his sick young daughter. The Forest Guardian gave him a drop from the Tree of Life. After his daughter was cured, the owner - along with several villagers - went looking for more, resulting in a battle between the Forest Dwellers and the villagers. The Guardian then banned humans from the forest.

    Enter Mavka. She is a nymph - a beautiful, sweet girl with a kind heart, who brings the forest to life at the start of Spring. Enter Kylina. She is the sawmill owner's daughter, and now the film's antagonist who wants to find the Tree of Life for herself. She offers riches to the villagers for going into the Dark Forest, but they are unwilling. Only one man, Lucas - an aspiring musician who needs money for medicine to save his sick uncle Leo - is willing to go.

    And so he embarks on a journey into the forest, where he soon meets Mavka. As predicted, romance was sure to blossom for these two characters. As I mentioned, this is a beautiful film with an interesting enough premise - only, none of the characters felt original. I recognized characters from so many other animated films like Snow White, Tangled, Rise of the Guardians, Tinker Bell, and events from live action films like Australia, Twister, Lord of the Rings, to name just a few. And don't tell me that scene where the forest dwellers gather under their sacred Tree of Life doesn't look like an exact replica of a similar scene from Avatar! How many films did you recognize in 'Mavka'?

    The film features good humour, and then also very cartoonish humour, and thus dividing the audience between a young and mature demographic. While this is a film young and old can enjoy, adults will most likely deem many of the scenes more suited for kids.

    Having said that - and it does sound like I'm criticizing the movie, doesn't it? - this was still worth the watch. It certainly was better than some of the other animated offerings as of late. Its still the kind of movie that will bring parents and kids together for a fun movie night experience.