• There are some, to me, "customizations" that just ruined this movie for me... in a way. The opening of the movie about Harrisburg (not just Harrisburg now was it?). For the fact the movie goes into depth about this city and alters it's reality. Where'd all those white kids come from? What a misrepresentation of the city and why? "ignorance is bliss". That whole introduction is TRASH. You stole my struggles - it DOES go both ways. Maybe he should have been throwing fists at the bus stop or playing ball at CITY ISLAND...like where was that place? If we're going to go into corny detail about a make believe Harrisburg. Stealing candy with paper bags? The Details in this movie... if you're saying they're stealing, why would they have paper bags? To visually show they were stealing? Huh? Number 1, my friends said stealing candy wasn't easy let alone fill your own brown bag in the corner shop. Which we ALL know the one next to Foose was the store to go to and everything was behind wire there....did anyone actually spend a hot minute there or were yall too scared? The owner of that store did get murdered though. Such a good guy - always got honey buns... Only accurate thing was a fun childhood. If the entire movie is like this I'll never be able to finish it. Maybe it's because this movie falls exactly in my life timeline, where I grew up, went to college.... and it's too inaccurate for me to accept. I care too much about details and not hiding all the actual kids in the city. I mean, you picked randoms for other parts of the movie ... Dare I say the intro, at least, is very selective with the kids, it's pretty sad.