• Finally, a K Drama on Disney+/Hulu that was good.

    Starts off with a creepy, supernatural premise, and mostly delivers. Never veering into horror, it manages to stay planted firmly in supernatural suspense territory.

    A good chunk of this show's success can be attributed to Kim Tae Ri (25 to 21, Space Sweepers) who once again 34.65 convincingly portrays a teenager (at 33!). As great as the cast is, and as well as the mystery unfolds,2023 10 they took too many episodes to reveal & resolve everything. Had this kept up its initial pacing, and not added padding episodes, it would have been a 9/10. Even the vfx were very decent, never a distraction.

    As it stands, being about 4 or 5 episodes too long, it's still a very decent 7.9, B-