• Warning: Spoilers
    A murder mystery set on a vessel isolated at sea has worked well for both Columbo and Murder She Wrote. So when I saw this series. Despite being cast with actors and actresses you are quite unknown. It sparked my interest.

    Sadly it did not live to my minimal expectations.

    Despite being set on a ship. The ship seems to be permanently moored. So therefore it is not isolated and removes the frisson present in earlier maritime mysteries.

    The ship itself is one of these modern cruise ships. But it seemed rather like a man-of-war of the Napoleonic era. Constructed entirely of timber. That feeling was engendered in me by the performances of the actors and actresses. Which were wooden in the extreme.

    And the identity of the murderer or murderess is telegraphed in the opening scenes.

    Have the scriptwriters not heard of ' Red Herrings ' ? The stock in trade of all mystery writers back to Conan Doyle.

    And at the end of the first episode. As if I hadn't suffered enough. I would have been subjected to further pain by one of the actors. Performing a skit by believing he could sing.

    I ceased watching at that point because I knew I was not going to see anything which would rival Enrico Caruso.