• Warning: Spoilers
    Hello fellow humans,

    My first impression on S1E1. I have watched a ton of anime and I am history buff and I am up with all news and technology. Lots of anime are based on our human society as it is today. What I mean is almost all animes have humans as we are now. What makes up our society? Well humans can be loving, kind, compassionate, caring and good people. However from what knowledge I have gathered humans are hateful, greedy, classes, unfair, take what they want and more, we don't help the masses, we are a waring creature who almost seems to enjoy killing each other and anything we deem less than.

    This show is another example of that. After the main first scene he goes back in time. Immediately you are confronted with classism. Like our modern society if you're rich you are handed things and given a better education and life. If you're poor you get even with talent scraps. For example he is an amazing mage yet because he is of commoner blood he can at best go to beta class. Meaning he will never get the best education even if he would be humanities best hope.

    Humans love to fight each other over the dumbest reasons. For example resources and religion are the two reasons throughout history all wars have been fought. If you don't believe me just look at history. Religion breads hatred which you see in many wars. Taking resources instead of sharing is also a big reason war happens. For us modern people oil has the been the main reason for war. Religion has also been a reason we go to war in modern warfare as well. Look at the hate towards Muslims by Christians and visa versa. It is disgusting. Also we have enough food to feed the world if we wanted but we prefer to have a society of haves and have nots. We will never advance as a society if we stay this way.

    This brings me to my other thought on anime. Humans can never work together unless their is a big bad and even that doesn't bring humans together all that much. You still have money and capitalism which corrupts people. But at least if we had say shadow dimensions to fight we would have to work together a lot more. Countries would have to set aside their petty differences and fight a common foe. Otherwise we will be wiped out. Which to be honest I would give us less than a 30% chance of survival because I don't see humans working together as one ever. We have to many biases and to much hatred.

    Anime is not just cartoons. They are versions of ourselves and how we act. Yes they are fun to watch but if you watch enough of them you will see a pattern. Anime is a reflection on ourselves. This show is no different. It is a society based on classism and hate. Just like today's society is based on. Because you can totally pick where you are born and who your parents are. Oh wait you can't do that. Everyone should have the same education and opportunities as anyone else. Money should never be a factor over talent. Not getting enough food, clothes, etc should never be what holds someone back.

    So in this show we will see if these humans can change. If fighting again because he went back in time. If that will help him make different decisions to help the future of mankind. A rare chance to make things better. But let's be honest you would not believe someone if they came to you and said I am from 20 years in the future. We need to change this and that or we will all die. I am sure like 99% of humans you would say that person is on drugs or something. So this main character is on an up hill battle. We will see as the show goes forward if he can truly change things or if he is on a time loop.

    Side note. Be kind to others. Especially those who are different then you. Remember you could have just as easily been in that person's shoes if you where born to his/her family. Remember we all bleed red and breathe oxygen. So be kind to your fellow humans.