
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I've just discovered that series, attracted initially by the "by the makers of Vikings", a series I enjoyed quite a bit (even though like all long-running series, seasons past 4 or 5 lose their edge).

    Overall, cinematography, acting and scenario are great, dialogues are good but not amazing, it's still quite enjoyable to watch. A good rendition of the Billy the Kid story, we can't get enough of those outlaws mythical stories and feuds, horse riding à la Western, those classic landscapes, shootings, etc. Interestingly, the latters involve kids and women too, which you'd rarely see on anything made in USA that's for sure.

    I would have given a higher note but for a few things. The main one being, too many clichés, it's not an American show, yet there's quite a bit going on. We find just another story of the poor anti-hero who didn't choose to become a criminal but is very good-looking, has all the girls and who's heart is so pure, blah blah blah. Also, I would have appreciated a little more meat around the hero's relationships, he's suddenly best pal with people who appeared on the screen for a few minutes with a few lines of dialogue... And actually, not much to savour in terms of dialogues, a bit bland, and not nearly as much done as could have been considering the number of scenes with high potential for tension (poker games, duels, love stories, stealing, racism, etc.). Finally, the straw that broke the camel's back, even though seemingly coherent with the myth, the figure of the good Englishman becoming the saviour of Lincoln County, allying with an Irishman who's parents left their country because of the famine (in a word "British rule"), and that without a bit of remorse or hesitation on Billy's part? He does hesitate to give up his crew, but not for an instant pictures the Englishman as anything but an honest angel. Even though the man's first line sounds something like: "I'm not here to exploit the farmers but to do honest business, although I want to get as much as possible for as cheap as possible and I don't care cos' I'm already filthy rich."

    Anyway, I'd still recommend the show as light entertainment, but as per usual the historical accuracy as well as the depth of the story and characters is kind of lost here. But hey, it's a TV series what should we expect? Well, still better than Hollywood, but could do better in terms of details, finesse and tension building...