• Warning: Spoilers
    Ah... so that's why her name is Renslayer.

    I'm a little surprised that Renslayer has sort of become a villain, but I can't say it doesn't make sense. The twist with her at the beginning of this episode was to be expected, but it further establishes her as a real menace, and potentially cold-blooded.

    But no one is as soulless as Mrs. Minutes, who I didn't expect so much of this season. Seeing her GRINNING as multiple people perish (in one of the most unimaginably painful ways possible) was cold. She's actually kind of scary.

    I think it'll be interesting to see how they end up tying Kang in to this series as a villain. I'm a little surprised we haven't seen him past the Victor Timely Varient.

    Speaking of... what an absolutely shocking end to this character (for now anyway). That was directed and acted so well, and I'll miss him assuming he won't be back. Majors did a great job.

    And this has to be one of the MCU's best cliffhangers. There are two episodes left and I have absolutely no clue what's going to happen next. Tom Hiddelston is so good and his reaction to the "demise" of time and everything that comes with it was beautifully acted.

    It's been a great season so far in my opinion. But I want the rest NOW.