
  • First of all, I didn't know this was an anime adaptation, I saw this movie on Netflix and the title card look interesting to me so I watched it.

    There is a plot, but they don't really do anything with it, but I didn't expect this after watching the first 10 minutes, and that's ok. That movie wasn't made to have the greatest story.

    Action was Ok. The camera was kind of shaky in the action sequences and cut away from the hits.

    The animation was in some scenes very bad but in other great. I watched this movie on my 23 inch monitor so its harder to notice bad animation.

    The child actors were horrible. The adult actors were ok in most scenes but they butchered some. Nobody really stood out, but again it's an action movie where I don't need great acting.

    I wouldn't say it's a boring movie, I was entertained, and that was the point of this movie, hence it gets 7/10.