• A movie called Monsternado will of course never win any awards, but I have seen a lot worse movies this year and if you have some drinks this is almost watchable. The acting is okayish, and the production value for a low budget trashy spoofy monster flick is not so bad. This is very amateurish, and you can tell from the bad CGi sure, but even more so comes to audio- and directing.

    This is very generic, very basic, and as any of these 'nado movies you know what you get. Watching this movie is like eating at a bad McDonalds restaurant.

    I cannot recommend this, and I give it a 3/10 because the film value and production etc it does not deserve anything higher. But this is also not complete trash and its sort of fun in a goofy way. I applaud the effort on the low budget, and I can see a few nuggets of light here and there.