• This is an example of people who take on others perceived issues and feel the need to wrap themselves in said issues to be a savior for these people, whether they want or need one. Her grandfather should be in jail. But his victims need to find peace for themselves. It is not his granddaughter's burden or responsibility to be involved. This is her own twisted way of dealing with the crime perpetuated on her. When she stated while she may never get justice for herself, maybe she could get justice for others against her grandfather, I knew this was a trainwreck. I literally gagged in shock when she wrote potential victims letters asking for information about crimes that her grandfather may have perpetuated on them, with NO CONCERN for those victims and where they were in their own journeys. This is a vanity project for a very self important self absorbed troubled young woman. It's nauseating to watch her exhilaration at hearing the victims after the first thing the victim asked, "How did you find me?" You hear the pain in the victim's voice as she hears about the volume of victims. This creator is just rubbing salt in wounds and her ego is not going to soothe it. And her mother knew for years and never went to the police. She just tried to get her mom to run away. I obviously could not watch the entire film.