• An earlier version of this movie "The Mirror Crack'd (1980) ASIN: 6302990149" was made with a lot of glitzy characters. Some of them were quite well such as Rock Hudson (Jason Rudd). Others were distracting as they let their real personalities overwhelm the characters. One of the worst was Angela Lansbury's portrayal of Miss Jane Marple; she was much too cutesy. This film was to Americanize (black and white, judgmental.) and half the characters were combined for brevity.

    Based on a novel, Christie, "Agatha. Mirror Crack'd, the", the film Miss Marple: The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side (1992) (TV) (UK: series title) stays true to form. Joan Hickson as Miss Marple. Agatha Christie always considered her as the ideal Miss Marple; she shows this through her reserve savvy. Jane takes an interactive interest in the mystery and yet each character as part of the discovery, stands on their own. The ending of the story is as is in life, it is appropriate, not black and white judgmental.