• A pretty generic film adaptation of the comic book, but with several standouts in the cast and a few nice moments. I loved Rachael Leigh Cook, Rosario Dawson, and Parkey Posey in this, each of them with such strong screen presence. Tara Reid is saddled playing a stereotypical ditzy blonde character, so was harder to like, even if the scene with then boyfriend Carson Reid was amusing. There are several other tropes afoot, like the guy who finally realizes he's been in love with his friend all along. The messaging in the film relates to consumerism, conformity, and the evils of the recording industry, but its undercut by its bland script, which isn't as clever as it thinks it is. We see a barrage of product placement throughout the movie, ostensibly a part of the meaning of the film, but it could have avoided becoming a parody of itself by making all of those fictional products. The "subliminal messages in rock music" plotting also strangely echoes conservative fears from days gone by. There was potential here, but it all ultimately felt as packaged as what it was satirizing. Loved the blooper reel at the end though - all films should include these.