
  • On a scale of 1-10, every single aspect of this film is a 2.

    • Acting = 2
    • Directing = 2
    • Lighting = 2
    • Sound = 2
    • first time I can remember noticing this... Foley = 2
    • Cinematography = 2
    • Special Effects = 2 (catsup for blood)
    • Dialog = 2
    • Premise = 2
    • Story = 2

    Nothing rates higher than a 2. It's evident that everyone seems to be TRYING.. but, well, they simply don't have the skills they may think they have. From the writer, to the director, to the cinematographer, to the actors, to the editor.... all bad.

    Among the worst aspects is the directing.. scene blocking is pretty miserable.

    Then the acting.. especially the British guy... Example from the opening few minutes: trying to get his boss' son to go with him.. he stands there inadvertently pointing a gun at the guy's HEAD, with a finger on the trigger... note, this is NOT a "threatening" scene. He's intending to HELP the guy the gun is pointing at. CLEARLY the actor has no awareness of the firearm in his hand. A director, or anyone NOT seeing this while shooting and retaking the scene.. well.. that goes to the skill of the director as well.

    Paré's acting is as bad as it ever has been. Here.. he's delivering unnatural dialog from a bad script as well. Compounding the poor performance.

    As for Foley.. which, honestly I can't ever recall noticing before, is bad in this. Sounds meant to "round out" a scene, such as glass breaking, footsteps, gunshots, punches, doors, etc.. are "off" to a degree they sound FAKE. Good foley would mean these sounds blend and appear to be part of the filming. That's not the case in this film. Fight scenes seem littered with just horribly added sounds.

    The end is especially poor due to a bunch of unskilled actors tryign to pull off "Oscar-level drama" and it's honestly fairly laughable.

    Just pass on this. If you're in the mood for an action, crime drama, this should NOT be your choice.

    Lots of adult-oriented themes (centered around crime). No nudity. Lots of foul language. Lots of violence and (clearly fake) blood.