• Warning: Spoilers
    There is nothing like sitting in front of a big screen TV, with popcorn and drink to watch a good old heist movie. Sorry, folks. This ain't it.

    A crack team of professional criminals, each with their unique set of skills, plan to execute a high stakes, high danger, high reward job, though I found it difficult to care whether or not the team pulled it off.

    The characters were two-dimensional, and lacked any endearing qualities, so I wasn't invested in them in whether or not they even succeeded. The banter between them was a futile attempt to make them seem likable to an audience, but lacked any true qualities to empathize with. After watching the movie, there is not one character name I can recall.

    The characters were never really given a true chance to shine, and the underutilization of highly respected actors such as Vincent Donofrio and Jean Reno was the true crime in this movie. If the Kevin Hart character's exposition of his intelligence was scaled back somewhat, then it may have allowed two screen legends like Donofrio and Reno some room to move and give this film some substance.

    LIFT was a reworked copy of another F. Gary Gray movie from 2003. Hints: Both have a boat chase through the canals in Venice. Both involve near impenetrable safes. Both safes contained bars of gold. Both involve a safe switch. Both have the lead female character punching an unlikable person in the face at the end.

    The CGI was overdone and completely unconvincing. Some practical effects would not only have been cheaper, but would have sold the action with far more realism.

    I am starved for a great action flick, or even just a good, memorable movie. This wasn't one of them. I wonder how long I'll be going hungry for quality entertainment in 2024?