• A very well made series when it comes to action sequences and a good plot. The Taiwanese gangster family drama with honour and obligations that spills over to America, adds freshness to the Netflix range.

    Michelle Yeoh adds class to a decent cast. In fact, she soars above the rest as a Triad member in hiding, an over protective Mom, a lady that's yards ahead of everyone with her wits.

    But in Bruce Sun, they probably made the stupidest, most idiotic, most exasperating character in the history of Netflix series.

    They were probably trying to go for a Jackie Chan style bumbling, funny but good hearted character. But they ended up making a cowardly, unreliable, disloyal, extremely stupid character.

    You never feel sorry for him, never connect with him or even empathise with him. I wonder why Sam Song Li didn't ask the script writers to do better.

    Since Bruce is so central to the story, the presence of this character 'almost' single handedly spoils an otherwise brilliant plot and a well constructed storyline.

    'Almost' being the operative word. But the story, Michelle Yeoh, Justin Chein, the action sequences, the Taiwanese American flavour; rescue the series.