
  • With two fantastic directors (Richard Fleischer, but also John Huston) and one of the most iconic macho-actors (George C. Scott) involved, I can't deny I expected a little bit more from "The Last Run". Sure, it's an entertaining enough thrill-ride with a strong lead performance and a couple of impressively photographed action/car chase sequences, but the plot is strictly routine and as thin as can be. Good old George is a retired getaway driver/wheelman for a criminal syndicate, living in a Portuguese coastal town. Purely to prove to himself he still has the skills after nine years of non-activity, he accepts one last job, but evidently it turns out to be a fishy one. With a minimalistic plot like this, there inevitably are many "filler" sequences. There are two subsequent opening/potential credits' scenes, for instance, one with George fixing up his car and another one with him test-racing. He also muses a lot about the past and smokes about 30 packs of cigarettes throughout the entire movie. "The Last Run" isn't boring, or at least never for longer than a minute or two, but you also guess exactly what'll happen long before it happens.