• This movie is a captivating journey through the complexities of human existence, anchored by the remarkable performances of Ewan McGregor and Ethan Hawke. As always, Hawke delivers a tour de force performance, imbuing his character with a raw range of emotions that resonate deeply with audiences. Alongside McGregor, he breathes life into characters grappling with the weight of their pasts and the uncertainties of their futures.

    Despite the heavy themes, the movie infuses moments of humor and absurdity, maintaining a close connection to the heart while exploring the intricacies of life's trials and tribulations. Through its poignant storytelling, the film leaves viewers with a feel-good experience and a renewed belief in the resilience of the human spirit.

    With its stellar acting and profound themes, the movie is an enjoyable watch, offering a poignant reminder of the beauty and complexity of life. Whether viewed on an early evening or a lazy Sunday afternoon, it's a film that lingers after the credits roll, leaving audiences with a newfound appreciation for the intricacies of the human experience.