• Warning: Spoilers
    There are a number of reviews here apparently failing to understand this show. House of Ninjas is about a family with a long history serving as ninjas, protectors and assassins, but who have collectively retired. Some less willingly than others. It is light, frivolous and fun. The action sequences are sparse but exciting enough when they occur to propel the story further- they are not, however, the point of the series.

    Folks complaining that House of Ninjas is not wall-to-wall fighting and killing, that the music is silly, that it is not like other ninja-themed shows or movies they have previously enjoyed, miss the point. The trick to reviewing is to watch a show and try to figure out what the creators are trying to do, and then decide if, in your opinion, they have succeeded in that. Otherwise, you will only enjoy the few things you already like and miss the joy of discovering other, different things.

    Tarantino and James Gunn employ incongruent music in their films. The makers of House of Ninjas have done the same, with songs that have whatever meaning or effect for them. Rather than complain, perhaps I should wonder what those reasons are?

    House of Ninjas is a solid action comedy series with excellent performances and gags. It is not going to redefine the genre, but it is not trying to. It is trying to entertain, and personally I felt it does that quite well.