• As many pointed out the music used in this show is pretty horrible. It doesnt add anything at all and it is out of place.

    The plot is questionable, and it all collapses in the later episodes.

    The camerawork is questionable. Luckily it doesnt suffer from the camera has to always move syndrome but the shot selection is not up to par.

    So why did it get an extra star. It is the acting. The acting especially of young Nagi, Nagi ,the boy and mum is excellent.

    The casting is well done.

    So without the horrible music which doesnt fit what you see at all . The plot feels rushed and unfinished. Character development is lacking and that is a real pain point.

    In a series of a shinobi family character development should be key. You can see Nagi's background but that is the only exception. All other choices from the characters are pretty unreasonable to me. And as such make it really hard to get invested in the family. This is no fault of the acting but it is the lack of storytelling skills.

    The series is all over the place. From the action of the parents at the traffic lights as from another one at the beach.

    It is day and night apart . Very much so like the music which is not contributing but merely distracting.

    I really like that netflix is giving japanese series a chance but there should be some quality control.

    Even the title house of ninjas is not fitting. Just ask the family, they are shinobis.