• Warning: Spoilers
    This 4 part web series is about Pakistan trying to use biological warfare against India. An Indian spy arrested by the Pak army & our daredevil commandos crossing the border, breaking into a high security prison in Pak to rescue him!! How very original 😡😡

    Frankly I'm bored to death watching these Pak bashing narratives . This plot has been used so many times that u can write a review just by watching the first episode ( to set things in the rt perspective - I DID watch the entire series 😁😁!!).

    The cast - Prem Parija as Commando Virat Singh looks ripped and handsome .. but his acting skills are a suspect!!

    Adah Sharma as Bhavana Reddy is downright irritating with her Hyderabadi accent and is more of a comic character than a commando.

    Vaibhav Tatwawadi's performance as commando Kahtij Mehra is just ABT passable. Not his fault .. a weak script proves to be his undoing 😞 Amit Sial as ISI chief Jaffer, like Tatwawadi is let down by a weak script.

    Tigmanshu Dhulia as Sial's Indian counterpart (R&W Chief) gives a okay performance!!