• Warning: Spoilers
    World's Greatest Dad is a 2009 drama starring the late Robin Williams and Daryl Sabra.

    Directed by Bobcait Goldtwhait(who voiced Pain in Hercules),the story follows a middle aged teacher named Lance Clayton(Williams),who is also a single father to Kyle(Sabra) who is an insufferable jerk. When Lance starts dating Claire, the school's art teacher, Kyle gets somewhat jealous.

    Things take a turn however when Kyle accidently dies and Lance decides to turn his death into a suicide by leaving him with a suicide note.

    This ends up getting recognition at his high school(where Kyle used to attend),but will Lance come clean.

    Overall it wasn't a bad film but it can be very hard to watch (since Robin Williams hung himself in the same manner as Daryl Sabra's characther irl).

    If your a fan of Robin Williams then check it out.