• Warning: Spoilers
    The first thing one needs to have a patience to watch these kinda of films & if your fan of live independant films...

    The movie follows insecurities in the life of a truck driver who witnesses the tiresome fading job on the verge of loosing it due to age factor...The loss of wife and friends all in a battle of survival & reality he has to face daily...

    Ivan Ayr's 97 minutes long film is unquestionably a reflection of the life that will keep you involved.

    Some might find the pace a tad bit slow but the story revolving around the life struggles of the characters will resonate with you throughout.

    The movie feels like just the beginning, not the end of the road & thanks to the brilliant editing work which is also by far done by director himself...While choosing Angello faccini for camera work does elevates the movie to a breathe of fresh air

    So do Watch it and be amazed at what good cinema can bring to your life...