• Sigh. I almost turned this off after about the first 20 minutes of the first episode, but I stuck with it, and although based on this first episode it's a complete train wreck of a script/plot, there is some potential. Sometimes it takes a few episodes for a show to find its groove, for the writers to organize their thoughts, and develop characters and plot lines into something the audience finds interesting and entertaining. I hope this is the case here, because again, the show has some potential.

    I am a giant fan of Carla Gugino, and she's criminally underutilized thus far with dumb material to act within. Regardless, as of the end of episode one, there's not a character in the show that I care anything about yet.

    I'm going to give one more episode a chance, and if I keep watching I'll come back and adjust my score, but a six right now is generous.